Also another thing I don't recommend not using is .12g bbs. Why? Even though they might be in high quality, these bb's are way to light for your electric rifles or gas pistols. There are some guns that use .12g bbs such as those low quality Wal-Mart guns. If you use the .12g, your bb's will fly off everywhere and not where you want to shoot. The recommended bb's are .20g bb's because they are a good weight for your gun. There are some other heavier bb's (.23g,.25g,.28, .30g!!) because the fps (feet per second) for the gun might be too high so people use heavier bb's to lower the fps to get better accuracy; same as I said with .12g. If the bb's are too light and throw off your accuracy, use heavier bb's. But all airsofters would say not to use .12g because its WAY too light.
Another thing I didn't mention was that it is best to use Biodegradable BB's. These BB's are most used in Woodland situations and helps the environment. And once again, don't use .12g bb's even if they are Biodegradable...they are too light.
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